Presentation Upload Form: We kindly request you to upload your presentations in advance for a smooth flow of program

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Guidelines for Oral/Short-Oral Presentations

Information for Oral Presentations:

  1. The total duration for each oral presentation is 10 minutes (8+2). This timing should be strictly followed. The schedule of presentations will be posted on the website.
  2. Presentations should be restricted to 10 slides. The presenters are advised to focus on the concise objectives of the study, data & methodology in brief, salient results of the study, and important conclusions.
  3. Presentations should be compatible with the Windows operating system. A PDF version of the presentation needs to be uploaded before the session starts. 
  4. There are no Mac / Linux systems available. Please upload the presentation before the session. 
  5. There will be no possibility to connect your own laptop/MacBook. PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST
  6. You are strongly encouraged to have a PDF version of your presentation as a backup in your email.
  7. Laser pointers will be provided during the presentation.
  8. The aspect ratio of the slides should be maintained at 16:9.

Information for Short-Oral Presentations:

Please note that the short oral presentation will be for 2 minutes, followed by a poster presentation in a dedicated slot. The Short-Oral presentation is optional.

  1. Each Short-Oral talk will be for 2 minutes, highlighting the key results followed by a poster presentation in a dedicated slot.
  2. The number of slides should be restricted to 2 content slides.
  3. The aspect ratio of the slides should be maintained at 16:9.
  4. The presentations should be uploaded in PDF format only.
  5. The poster should be prepared using the guidelines as given under “Information for Poster Presentations”.
  6. Presenting the poster is mandatory for all the Short-Oral.

Information for Poster Preparation and Presentations:

  1. Panels and board Pins/ dual side tapes will be provided for displaying the posters in the poster gallery.
  2. One panel will be available for one poster.
  3. All posters will be displayed in portrait mode only.
  4. Posters should be in A0 size (118 cm height x 84 cm width).
  5. Place your Abstract Number, Abstract title, Author names prominently at the top of the poster to allow viewers to identify your abstracts easily.