Paper Submission Guidelines:

The conference will have contributory papers, which will be presented during oral sessions or interactive sessions using posters. Only the Full Paper that are being presented during the conference will be considered for possible publication (if opted) in Springer (Scopus-indexed) book series*. The abstract book will have only the extended abstract/abstract of Full papers (not opted for book series).

* Proposal submitted, not yet confirmed.

  • All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee. Selected papers will be recommended for oral presentation or poster presentation depending on the preference, suitability of the topics and slot availability.
  • Authors need to submit their papers, written in English, via the online submission system ONLY before the deadline.
  • All submissions must be in the form of a PDF file. The format should be in accordance with different paper standards for iRAD-2024, as given in the following templates. The templates below also describe the page limits and other requirements. 

Please note the acceptable formats for different categories of submission.

Contributed Papers: The authors must submit either an Extended Abstract or a Full Paper.

Young Scientist Awards (YSA) and Student Paper Competition (SPC): YSA and SPA applicants must submit a Full Paper.

The templates for the submission are as follows:

Extended Abstract

Full Paper

  • Authors should please note that:

• All authors must agree to the copyright conditions available as part of the online submission process.

• Only a single accepted paper can be linked to an author registration. If the same author has to submit multiple accepted papers, the author will need that many registrations.

Instructions of Paper Submission:

The submission of papers for iRAD-2024 will be managed through an online conference paper management system called Microsoft’s Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).

Step 1.  Set up an account as an Author

  • Navigate to site: Click “Register”.
  • Enter your required information in the ‘Create New Account’ page. Fields with an <*> asterisk are required.
  • Enter the captcha characters, check the ‘Agree to Terms of Use’ checkbox and click ‘Register.’
  • Once registered, you will receive a verification email on your submitted email ID.  Once you click on the link in the email, you will see the Account Verification page. You can then use the “click here” link to log into CMT.

Step 2. Submit Your Abstract/Paper

  • Follow the on-screen instructions and fill out all of the required information. Click on the “Submit” link to submit your submission.

Here is the detailed user guide for iRAD2024 paper submission on CMT.