SPC and YSA Guidelines

All the finalists must confirm that they will attend iRAD-2024 by December 25, 2023. The SPC/YSA Special Session is tentatively scheduled on 10 January, 2024.

  • The total duration for each presentation is 15 minutes (12+3). This timing should be strictly followed. The schedule of presentations will be updated soon on the website.
  • Evaluation will be based on several parameters, including presentation skill, slides, novelty, time management and contribution to the field.

Support to SPC/YSA:

The SPC/YSA finalists will receive:

  • Free conference registration
  • Free accommodation covering the full conference duration (Note that, accommodation will be provided by the iRAD-2024 organizers.) (If the SPC/YSA finalists arrange for alternative accommodation, they have to bear the entire expenses on their own.)
  • SPC: To and fro travel support upto third AC train fare or lower for the shortest distance from the applicant’s residence/office to the conference venue.
  • YSA: To and fro travel support upto second AC train fare or lower for the shortest distance from the applicant’s residence/office to the conference venue. 

Note that, for both SPC/YSA finalists, a  maximum of INR 8,000 will be considered for reimbursement on the production of the actual receipt.

For any inquiries, please contact: irad2024@iiti.ac.in

iRAD-2024 Student Paper Competition (SPC) Finalists

The following is the list of eight young students, who have been selected as iRAD-2024 Students Paper Competition (SPC) finalists. The final SPC awardee(s) will be selected from these finalists on the basis of their presentations.
Our best wishes to all the remaining SPC applicants who could not make it to the final list. Their papers are accepted and they are eligible to attend the iRAD-2024 as regular student delegates.

Paper ID Paper Title Authors
13 A Comparative study of precipitation forecast over Sikkim by using data assimilation technique in WRF mode Peeyush Gupta (Banaras Hindu University)*
21 Analysis of the vertical profile of cloud reflectivity & associated rainfall during an extreme rainfall event over the north west himalayan region using datellite-based radar datasets Ahana Mukhopadhyay*; Sharu Singh (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun)
36 Comparison of radar reflectivity measurements between ground-based weather radars and space-borne radar GPM over the East Coast and Southern Peninsula region, India Shruti Saini (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune)*
53 Structure and evolution of Mesoscale Convective Systems in the monsoon core zone using satellite and radar observations Manisha Mathurdas Tupsoundare*; Sachin Deshpande; Subrata M Das; Medha Deshpande; Harshad Hanmante (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune)
60 Aspect sensitive characteristics of CUSAT 205 MHz Stratosphere-Troposphere Radar at Cochin (10.04°N, 76.3°E) – First results Nabarun Poddar (Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC)*
61 Microphysical characteristics of extreme rainfall over a tropical station as revealed by X-band dual-polarization radar Abhijeet Kumar (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology)*; T. N Rao (National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL)); Rama Rao Nidamanuri (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology)
91 Solar Observation at 53 MHz using CU-ST Radar with Signal processing Techniques in Passive Mode Operation Arjun Ghosh (University of Calcutta)*; Sanjit Mukherjee (University of Calcutta); Abhirup Datta (Indian Institute of Technology, Indore); Narendranath Patra (Indian Institute of Technology, Indore); Ashik Paul (University of Calcutta); P Nandakumar (Research Scholar, University of Calcutta)
101 High-resolution 3D Wind Field Estimation with Single Doppler Weather Radar Vaibhav Tyagi (Indian Institute of Technology Indore)*; Parvathy Thankachy P (Indian Institute of Technology Indore); Sambit Kumar Panda (University of Reading, UK); Saurabh Das (Indian Institute of Technology Indore); Bipasha Paul Shukla (Space Applications Centre, ISRO Ahmedabad)

iRAD-2024 Young Scientist Awardees (YSA) Finalists

The following is the list of five young scientists, who have been selected as iRAD-2024 Young Scientist Awardees (YSA) Finalists. The final YSA awardee(s) will be selected from these finalists on the basis of their presentations.

Our best wishes to all the remaining YSA applicants who could not make it to the final list. Their papers are accepted and they are eligible to attend the iRAD-2024 as regular delegates.

Paper ID Paper Title Authors
7 Quantifying the Cloud radiative heating rates for various Cloud Types and multi-layered clouds during the Indian Summer Monsoon period using Millimetre wavelength Radar observations Sai Krishna V. S. Sakuru*; Subrahmanyam K. V. ; Rabindra Kumar Nayak (National Remote Sensing Centre)
14 Observations from Lower Atmosphere, Mesosphere and Ionosphere using 53MHz VHF Radar at University of Calcutta P Nandakumar*; Jawad Siddiqui; Ashik Paul (University of Calcutta)
89 Orographic Rainfall Prediction Using Doppler Weather Radar – A Soft Computing Approach Swastika Chakraborty*; Sumon Kumar Mondal; Swapan Dolui (Narula Institute of Technology)